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Little Pomona  Kingston Black 7.4%  750ml

Little Pomona Kingston Black 7.4% 750ml


Kingston Black, with its natural balance of fruit, tannin, acid and sugars, is one of the few apples that can truly succeed as a single variety cider. 

To showcase the variety to its fullest the fruit was pressed into stainless steel tanks and fermented naturally, before further racking to steel for the 'elevage' of the cider, to transform it into something special. Prior to bottling the cider was fined with the addition of highly tannic perry, an ancient technique developed in the Mostviertal, Austria. 

Sweet blossom, apple pie and icing sugar aromas move onto quite concentrated flavours of honey, peach, dried apple, vanilla and fruit cake spice. All this is enlivened with fresh acidity and the softest of tannins to make it a juicy mouthful of joy! Alc 7.4% abv. 

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